Public Comments

We want to hear your ideas and comments regarding the future of the Riverfront area. Listed below are public comments that have been submitted through the website. To submit your public comment visit Share Your Ideas. Public comments are reviewed for appropriate language and will be uploaded to this page on an ongoing basis.

Comments received as scanned letters can be viewed here.

October 20th, 2023
I am in favor of change and growth in the Riverfront area. I like the Rodeo and have been to the Rodeo but another bigger location for the Rodeo grounds would be preferable, in my opinion. I went to the Rodeo in 2023 and while I enjoyed the festivities and the show, the grandstands are a death trap - to put it mildly. I can't even imagine what an emergency situation would look like in there. The whole area needs a major upgrade - like torn to the ground and rebuilt upgrade - if the Rodeo is to stay in the same location. For the money and investment it would take to build brand-new Rodeo Grounds in that location, you should use the location more than a handful of times per year. We are wasting some of the most beautiful and prime real estate in Redding on just a few select events a year. The Redding Civic puts on great entertainment, but the footprint of that building coupled with the large parking lot sprawl is a shame for the real estate it sits on. I am 100% in favor of reimagining what that area could look like in 10 years with shopping, dining, trails, bike rentals - even more high-end lodging like the Sheraton. A large multipurpose event center could incorporate the Rodeo AND the Redding Civic, plus many other amenities that would benefit our tax base and bring tourism dollars to our local economy. Now is the time to dream big and create an amazing future for the heart of our city. We can do better. The Rodeo and Civic can do better. Let's do better! Vision and change are hard but necessary to move Redding forward. Please use this opportunity to make big plans for this area. Redding likes to think small and stay small. Let's dream big and grow. Don't pass up this prime opportunity for this prime real estate to make a lasting change for our future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration!
October 19th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Plan
I am very concerned that the proposed riverfront plan will primarily focus on retail businesses. I understand the appeal of retail businesses, and agree space for some should be included. However, unique businesses, such as Aqua Golf, the Redding Rodeo grounds, etc should remain and be included with the updated riverfront plan.

It is important that we recognize and protect local business owners and historical events and locations, such as the Rodeo. The unique history of our area should be recognized and embraced. The Redding Riverfront plan should not look or feel like other Riverfront attractions.
October 16th, 2023
Subject: Build beautiful wood buildings with mass timber construction
Fire resistant, quake safe, climate friendly: Mass timber is on the rise as a construction alternative

Can you imagine a beautiful 3 - 4 story mass timber on the water front? That would draw tourists to Redding!
October 16th, 2023
Subject: Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
I just finished watching Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones on Netflix. One of the mantras that Dan Buettner repeats is, "Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice." He is referring to infrastructure and healthy food availability. I am an avid walker and biker. My husband and I live very close to downtown Redding and find it challenging to find a safe path to bike to the River Trail. Also, we are close enough to walk to downtown to restaurants, shopping, and events, but don't feel safe doing so. The walk isn't inviting, the infrastructure is inconsistent, and there are sketchy people along the way.

The River Trail is an incomparable resource and yet, it is challenging to access for many people without getting in their cars. My suggestion is to create safe, inviting walk and bike ways throughout the downtown and adjoining neighborhoods. The city has come a very long way in this regard, but as a citizen of "near-downtown," my experience is that there are still obstacles to walking and biking. I would love to see this a major focus so that we don't always have to be in our cars to access the nearby beauty and culture of Redding.

As an aside, more grocery stores would be a benefit. Even small, bodega type stores or Trader Joe's size type stores would be welcome in the downtown core.
October 13th, 2023
Subject: Community open space near Sundial Bridge
I believe it would be beneficial to include an open space with tables and benches and shade (whether a structure or trees) near the Sundial Bridge. Currently, there is limited seating space near the bridge, and the benches near the biking trail are dangerous to allow a child to roam near.

Having a community space to relax with children would give an alternative to those wishing to walk the trails, and instead give an opportunity to stay longer to enjoy the space for a picnic or play within view of the Sundial Bridge.
October 12th, 2023
Subject: River Trail extension
Hi, and thank you for the opportunity to share my ideas for the Redding Riverfront.

My first priority for the riverfront is a continuation of the Sacramento River Trail (SRT) using tunnels, boardwalks, and other transformational trail designs. Please review the Lady Bird Lake Trail (aka Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail and Boardwalk at Lady Bird Lake, ) in Austin, Tx for my inspiration. Information about the Austin trail can be found here:

What I am proposing here would be for the the lands south and west of the Sacramento River starting at the Turtle Bay Loop Trail.

From the Turtle Bay Loop Trail the Sacramento River Trail would maintain the closest possible proximity to the flowing river as possible.
-SRT needs to tunnel under State Route 44 as close to the river as possible but east of the Park Marina/Butte/Sundial Bridge Drive interchange.
-After the tunnel under SR 44, my proposed SRT would immediately follow back along SR 44 (if needed) to the east at ground level and bridge over to Village Drive or a little to the west of the drive to maintain proximity to water.
-SRT would then separate alignment with Village Drive and create permanent/semi permanent the dirt trail between the two bodies of water north Kutras Lake, following along the west side of the more southerly body of water to reconnect with a Village Drive alignment.
-My proposed SRT could then go two different ways: 1) Follow the Village Drive alignment to the east and south and then use a boardwalk (reference Austin trail) to traverse along the spit of land that separates the Sacramento River from Kutras Lake all the way around Kutras Lake back to the Marina RV Park Area (preferred) or 2) Cross over Village Drive and head behind Aqua Golf Driving Range in a southerly direction again maintaining the closest possible proximity to the flowing river as possible to the Marina RV Park Area.
-My proposed SRT would then follow adjacent to the river alignment using boardwalks as needed to proceed beneath Cypress Bridge to the Free Bridge area and trails.
-Finally my proposed SRT would cross over the river on a new and simple “Free Bridge” over to Nur Pon Open Space and trails.

Thank you for this opportunity! Go big and make it transformational.
October 12th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Plan thoughts / ideas
Whenever someone mentions what the City of Redding should do about the Sacramento Riverfront, I have visions of the River Walk in San Antonio. But looking at pictures of that lovely place, it's too built up. We need to keep the majority of our riverfront as riparian as possible, I think, and also protect the sacred native areas of the river that are within the city boundaries. But it would be lovely to have a few more eateries along the river, and possibly a few shops too. Is there a way to do both?

I do NOT think there should be housing or private commercial property right along the river - because that prevents the rest of the population from enjoying both the natural and any developed areas along the river. It should be open to the public, whatever is done there.

October 12th, 2023
Subject: Proposal to include Whitewater Park features in project
I would like to recommend consideration of adding a whitewater park feature to the plan. A whitewater park would be a location where the river channel is modified to create features that allow for surfing, rafting, floating, and playing in the water. These features attract both participants and spectators. Many communities have recognized the multiple benefits of whitewater parks and are seeing benefits including:

Quality of Life — River-based parks inspire a community to reconnect with its river in ways not previously
available, delivering opportunities for outdoor recreation, leisure, community events, and more. When paired
with adjacent land development and waterfront revitalization efforts, they become gathering places that
attract walkers, families, picnicker, and spectators, in addition to the in-stream uses of kayaking, rafting,
surfing, wading, and floating.

Environmental — River modification usually includes the restoration or rehabilitation of in-stream and
riparian habitat. This improves river system and ecosystem functions, and can support flood
mitigation strategies.

Economic — Whitewater parks across the country are generating substantial economic impacts for their
host communities as users spend money at local restaurants, lodging and retail establishments. These
venues open the doors to other recreational opportunities such as zip-lining, rock-climbing, concerts and
festivals, hiking and biking, attracting a broad array of users and corresponding revenues. A whitewater
park’s economic contribution depends largely on the park’s scale and market size, with smaller parks shown
to generate incremental spending in the $500,00 to $750,000 range per year while larger parks contribute
as much as $19 million annually to local economies.

Branding — Whitewater parks provide communities with a closer connection to their rivers and become
focal points for outdoor lifestyle experiences. They serve as destinations for outdoor recreation‐-based
tourism, supporting a community’s overall image and brand.
October 11th, 2023
Subject: Outdoor Ampitheatre
Every band that tours travels up and down Interstate 5. From the new, up and coming artists to the time tested veterans. I-5 is the major cooridor between Vancouver Canada and San Diego California.

Redding is missing the boat by not having a location for these artists to stop and play. The revenue loss is tremendous.

Not only would this provide a grat family activity, but schools and various non-profit groups could also use the facility. It would bring folks from the outlying areas of the northstate to Redding, and those people will support the GEM (Gas, eats, motel) industry.

Its cooler by the river, and if it is build with the summer sun taken into consideration, the crowds and performers could be in the shade, which would be ideal.

If we build it, they will come. Please build a state of the art ampitheatre with seats and a lawn area. Don't go cheap on the seating capacity. Bigger artists bring bigger crowds, and they will stop here if there is a facility for them.

October 10th, 2023
Subject: Redding Rodeo
Respect Redding's history and tradition by extending their lease now
October 10th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront
I saw an article about the Community Coalition and Riverfront plan and how they were asking for residents what they would like to see. I love how Redding protects the natural environment and all wildlife throughout the riverfront, its always a joy to walk into turtlebay and along hte rivertrail as well as see the river curve around park marina.
I wanted to give some feedback. In additional to all that we already have, Can you make another spot with some nice trails that people can walk along the riverfront but also have shops and stores that people can go into if they want to eat and watch the river, or if they want to take a rest and need the bathroom, kind of like they do in vancouver washington? That would be so much fun, they could put beautiful foliage and keep the buildings nature focused and nice to look at. It would a great place for the community to do something with family and friends, especially if they put a cozy restaurant in there (everyone loves those! View 202, Mosaic, From the Hearth). It would be nice to drive over to a new spot walk down another rivertrail as long as you want and then be able to sit and eat and watch river/people go by, see new items from stores and shops that would be there. IT would also be amazing if Redding made an Art Museum. I'm originally from Santa Barbara and people love to go to the Art Museum and cafe there and its so great for culture, education, student field trips, brings in alot of revenue for the city as well. Thank you and have a great day!
Rebecca Estrada, Resident
October 10th, 2023
Subject: riverfront
I think a nature inspired Riverfront would be beautiful. A wood boardwalk, much like Turtle Bay , before Sheraton was built. No low income mixed use buildings . Focus on the river itself, Maybe different plaques with Native American history. I loved it years ago when it had that little beach, mini golf, raft rental. something like that but upscale.
Page 4 of 4, showing 76 to 87 of 87 comments.
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