Public Comments

We want to hear your ideas and comments regarding the future of the Riverfront area. Listed below are public comments that have been submitted through the website. To submit your public comment visit Share Your Ideas. Public comments are reviewed for appropriate language and will be uploaded to this page on an ongoing basis.

Comments received as scanned letters can be viewed here.

September 2nd, 2024
Subject: Redding Rodeo Grounds
The Redding rodeo, having been in operation for76 years, deserves a new and larger venue where they can build a modern facility that includes adequate parking and room to expand as needed. The current rodeo grounds facility is pretty run down looking, and I feel is not the best use of precious riverfront property in the heart of Redding.
To me, the current site would be better suited to an endeavor more related to it's river proximity. I'm not sure what that looks like, but I think fishing, kayaking, rafting, or guide businesses would be a good fit. Or a center focused on education about the river and surrounding environment - with related activities for kids and families. We already have the beautiful Turtle Bay Museum facility close by, so this site could be something that compliments that without duplicating. I'd also like to see a couple of restaurants by the river with lots of outdoor seating for people to enjoy the setting as well as the food.
August 20th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront plan
Please showcase our beautiful river so families and residents can access it easily. Boardwalk, trails, affordable restaurants, ice cream, burgers, shops would be nice. This could be such a showcase for Redding, like the beautiful sundial bridge and river trail. More benches and stop and linger places. Our river show be showcased as the jewel of Redding. I have been waiting for this many years, hurry please.
August 14th, 2024
Subject: Consider Recreational Sport Climbing facility needs (height / parking) within the Specific River Plan
We would like to propose special consideration be made that would attract recreation-based businesses such as ourselves. Enhancing public access to recreation shouldn't be limited to water-based activities and Indoor Rock Climbing is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Please consider building development flexibility into the plan that encourages good design while allowing some exceptions to things like height restrictions.

For example, we are the only rock climbing gym within 73 miles (Chico) and the nearest rope climbing gym is in Sacramento. We would love to build the next world-class rock climbing gym in Redding, but the current city and county building code regulations on parking and height hinder our ability to build an adequate facility. For example, a sport climbing gym must have a minimum building height of 55-60ft (45 feet is required for the interior lead climbing wall alone (regulation speed climbing requires 15m/49ft) and both anchor system and roof / foundation are in excess of the minimum). Climbing also has unique square footage / parking considerations. Mats cover the floor and climbers must leave room for the fall zone of fellow boulderers and belay space in sport climbing.

A climbing facility of this height can be tastefully designed if the appropriate code is in place that permits the height and use with special consideration to parking based on applicable metrics like the number of sport anchors and non-overlapping boulder problems.
August 12th, 2024
Subject: Redding eagle nest
This should be a high priority! Definitely a tourist attraction. Provide background information or even tours of the area.
August 12th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront area
I would like to ask you to leave the Riverfront area alone!! Leave the Rodeo grounds alone…, leave the Eagle nesting area alone…, leave it all alone! It is really ok to not change everything it Redding, this area should not be another area that you try to make money off of! It truly is a historical place! Please leave it as it is!!!
August 12th, 2024
Subject: Bald Eagles / Riverside Plan
Good day to all,
I have heard of your Riverside Plan and looked at the survey. But since I don't live anywhere near and probably will never visit, it felt wrong to fill it out. I am, however, looking at Redding DAILY via videos and photos provided by FORE (Friends of Redding Eagles), who have 24K followers on facebook and 22K followers on youtube. That are many, many people all over the world with their eyes on Redding, who absolutely love the Bald Eagle pair Liberty & Guardian.
Writing from Germany, in the name of all these thousands of anonymous watchers, I beg you to do everything in your power to make sure that Liberty & Guardian will have a beautiful natural space to live in with lots of fish and as less dangers as possible.
This will of course, not only provide Liberty & Guardian with a safe, healthy environment, but many other flora and fauna as well. And for the humans the chance to admire these amazing, strong creatures that were almost extinct at one time due to our human inventions. We don't have bald eagles here, you don't know how lucky you are.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes
July 11th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront Specific Plan
I appreciate everyone's work on this important plan. I strongly support the elements of the plan that will enhance, preserve and elevate the riparian habitat. Revegetation, restoration, and public access to the river should remain the cornerstone of this plan. I think that any hardscape development, especially parking lots, should be required to incorporate solar panels. The solar arrays would capture the abundant sunshine in Redding and contribute to the electrical grid, but more importantly they would provide essential shade that would otherwise be lost by removing or not restoring riparian habitat.
I also would strongly support incorporating some kind of funding structure for adding to the police force that is drawn from any commercial business or housing in this specific plan area. No one can currently enjoy the full breadth of Redding's riverfront because it is unsafe and unsanitary.
July 10th, 2024
Subject: Comment submitted: Fwd: FW: Riverfront Specific Plan
I am concerned that the Riverfront Specific Plan will not protect the riparian areas along the river which are so important to wildlife. My husband and I have lived in Redding for about 38 years. I walk in the area of Turtle Bay regularly and remember when there was NOTHING built close to the river. I also remember abundant wildlife in the areas close to the river's edge. Putting up any apartments, stores, more restaurants, or other buildings in this area would detract from the beauty of the place. This is public land and it should NOT be sold to private developers and taken away from the citizens of Redding. Please don't let developers destroy our beautiful riverfront (although certain members of the city council seem to be hell-bent on doing so).
July 8th, 2024
Subject: Comment submitted: Fwd: FW: Riverfront Specific Plan Comment
I am writing to request that the Riverfront Specific Plan leave untouched the Sacramento River’s riparian area. In addition to the environmental impacts of development close to the river, such construction would impair the community’s enjoyment of this natural area and Redding gem.

I could support some development in the area now occupied by the rodeo grounds if the rodeo grounds were moved to a more suitable location. As you know, a bull escaped during the rodeo in 2022 and injured several people including one near the Sundial Bridge. It’s one thing for visitors to a rodeo to assume such risks but is quite another for the City to expose non-rodeo visitors to such risks. This would be even more true if the City seeks to attract more residents and visitors to the area with the
Riverfront Specific Plan.

The rodeo’s location may have made sense in the 1940’s but that doesn’t mean it makes sense now. Let’s do what’s best for the entire community today and work with the Rodeo to find it a better location, consider quality development in the rodeo’s current footprint, and preserve the natural beauty of Sacramento River. Now that’s a plan.
July 8th, 2024
Subject: Comment submitted: Fwd: FW: Riverfront Specific Plan
I am concerned that the Riverfront Specific Plan will not protect the riparian areas along the river that are so important to wildlife. I have walked the Turtle Bay area often and feel that building apartments, stores, restaurants, or other buildings in this area would totally change the riverfront forever, and not in a good way. There is a need for housing, but NOT LOCATED HERE. We are already enhancing and connecting the river area to our downtown, where there is some nice retail and housing development going on, AWAY from the riverfront, which is much more appropriate. These connected areas will enhance each other and allow all kinds of visitors to access what is meaningful to them, and give opportunity to move between both.*

An improved rodeo grounds would be fine, but not a huge stadium that would require multilevel parking structures that would be detrimental to the area. This is public land and it should not be sold to private developers and taken away from the citizens of Redding. Additional parking to the entire riverfront area needs to be done carefully and thoughtfully, to not degrade the natural beauty.

Please honor your duty to your citizens and to the natural riparian beauty, the wildlife and birds, the world-class fishing and the Native cultural history of this area when you consider the development. Those things must not be disturbed or molded into a developers dream of financial gain. Nature is worth more than money and cannot be regained once lost.
July 8th, 2024
Subject: Comment submitted: Fwd: FW: Riverfront Specific Plan
I'm writing to ask you to ensure that the riparian areas along the east side of the Sacramento will be preserved as you move forward with decisions in the Riverfront Specific Plan. As a frequent walker of the trails running along the river I enjoy being in proximity to the river so I can see it, hear it, and feel the cool air it generates. Being there in the shade of the trees, surrounded by animals and birds, provides me with accessible respite just minutes from our urban downtown and east side of Redding.

If commercial or residential buildings are to be added, please be sure they are set back away from the river so as not to impede our ability to experience this incredible natural resource of our river. This is public land that needs to stay public and be used in ways that prioritize the experience of nature by our public. It should not be sold to prioritize the financial gains of developers. This accessible riparian area is invaluable for the public's health and to preserving the health of our environment.
July 3rd, 2024
Subject: Redding Riverfront Area 'Development'
I am a lifelong resident of Shasta County and a believer that the natural world is what makes Redding special. "Development" is the antithesis of the natural world, and I am unable to understand why there is such a push to develop the riverfront.

Why do people flock to the Sundial Bridge? The arboretum? And the trails all around the town? To see the natural world.

Please leave it that way.
July 3rd, 2024
Subject: Uses and Activities for Riverfront Area
I am concerned that the Riverfront Specific Plan will not protect the riparian areas along the river which is so important to wildlife. I have walked the Turtle Bay area often and feel that putting up any apartments, stores, restaurants, or other buildings in this area would detract from the beauty of the place. As respects the rodeo grounds, a huge stadium that would require multilevel parking structures and would be detrimental to the area. This is public land and it should not be sold to private developers and taken away from the citizens of Redding.

Thank you
June 23rd, 2024
Subject: Add a pickleball complex to land uses for the vacant lot between the rodeo grounds and the skating rink
Add a pickleball complex (up to 15 courts) for the 1.2 acre vacant lot that lies between the south end of the rodeo grounds and the skating rink. The gravel covered lot, which is located just north of the ACID canal, has two beautiful large oak trees and is currently used for VIP parking during rodeos.

A lighted 15 court pickleball complex at the 1.2 acre Turtle Bay site would be a great addition to the area that would match many of the goals for activities intended by the updated Riverfront Specific Plan. Hundreds of people would use the courts - each and every day of the year. Of course rainy days would be an exception. Pickleball is a great fit for the guests of the nearby Sheraton Hotel, plus a large complex with acres of parking available would be a great spot to host tournaments drawing players from all over the region.

Redding is looking to add pickleball on the west side of the river and has considered taking out the tennis courts at South City Park to do so. This Turtle Bay location could fit up to 15 courts instead of the 8 courts at City Park plus it is on the west side of the river and is very easy to get to from all over Redding and Shasta County. Start with 8-10 courts at Turtle Bay and expand to 15 courts in the near future. Court layout can easily save the two massive oak trees. Plus there is no need to add any parking.

Redding should add a lighted 15 court pickleball complex on the 1.2 acre site to create another destination to the Turtle Bay / Sundial Bridge / Convention Center / Hotel site that brings in daily energy and loads of fun fun and is an ideal addition to the current uses planned for the Riverfront Specific Plan.
June 19th, 2024
Subject: Rodeo Grounds
PLEASE leave the Redding Rodeo grounds AS IS. That organization is an asset to the entire county, providing great entertainment for families. That event brings in many tax dollars and doesn’t cost the county a dime.
June 18th, 2024
Subject: Redding Rodeo on River
I have been a member of the association since 1986, this rodeo has been going for 76years and we believe with the cooperation of the City and McConnel/Bethel we could have a beautiful rodeo grounds/event center that work hand in hand with each other, with other venues to be implemented together! We are one of the top rodeo's in the nation and bring alot of income to the City every year, I would have loved to come and bring input, but am full time taking care of a disabled family member.

June 17th, 2024
Subject: River property
I'm proud to say my husband and I were born in Redding in the 1940's. Our parents used to swim by the, excuse the spelling, Deselhorst bridge. On weekends, bands would play and brought great entertainment and joy to all who attended. I would love to see our river with a boardwalk and small shops with possibly a micro brew and places to dine.
June 17th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront Project
I moved back here to retire after leaving in 1995. That area never did live up to its potential but now its just sad. I'm not for building a bunch of condos or corporate businesses but there has to be a happy medium between honoring the indigenous people and just beautifying the area for all to enjoy. At least remove the derelict buildings. They are dangerous and a den for drug users. And while I respect and agree we should protect the salmon, aren't the homeless with their trash and human waste causing more damage to the whole ecosystem than a nice park and a couple small businesses. The cultural center is also a great idea. I know we can come up with a solution. It's about saving the area-not ruining it
June 16th, 2024
Subject: Uses and Activities for Riverfront
I attended the workshop Thurs night and was concerned that my break out group was monopolized by a couple of people who had strong ideas that did not reflect the group survey that was done earlier in the evening. So I want to express my views here.
Fish Habitat Restoration - Although the Northern RF seems logical, I would support opportunities for feasibility in Southern RF as well.
Floodplain Mgmt: - I do not have enough info, and think this should be looked at by experts.
Protected Sacred Sites - It is my understanding that the Northern RF has sacred sites on the northern or eastern side of the river, not really on the rodeo grounds/civic site, as this area tended to flood pre-dam era. I am supportive of Wintu education and would love to see info boards along the riverfront walk way in the Northern section that discusses typical Wintu activities in this area. I would be supportive of Wintu cultural center, but this seems to be more appropriate in the Turtle Bay leased area, in some way connected to the museum activities.
Fly-Fishin Areas - Strong yes to this where it is reasonable - N or S RF. I also support the bridges to connect islands in the northern section (simiar to Nur Pon) to allow low impact activity such as walking or fishing. I also support low impact viewing areas in both N and S RF where it is deemed appropriate.
Low Impact Recreation - As the Posse Grounds boat launch will be renovated, this would be a great area to launch low impact recreation if appropriate. Also the park marina area was traditionally a swimming hole and is warmer and shallower. This would be a great area for paddleboarding, kayaking, swimming - family friendly options.
Active Family Friendly and Whitewater course is a strong yes. It may not be feasible, but it should be looked at for both N and S.
Community Gathering - The North makes sense, as it is already happening to some degree here.
Music Venue - North
Botanical Gardens - We already have that on the other side of the river, so this is nice but low priortiy for me.
Focused Upgrades (rodeo grounds and Civic) does not make sense, because there are underlying limitations to each site, not to mention the business model, needs to be corrected for long-term sustainability. It is far more logical to look at repurposing the site for a single multi-use indoor/outdoor venue that can seat more people and do rodeo, plus concerts, performances, maybe a conference center.
Building Materials - Yes on natural. Turtle Bay sets a great example of using natural materials.
Residential - I am not interested in residential in N or S regions. I would consider it in a mixed-use building if it allowed us to get a grant, but it is very low on priority.
Retail - makes more sense in the S section.
RF dining - yes, yes, yes, wherever it can work - N or S.
On the Water Dining - Yes, please. S RF makes sense for this.
Pedestrian water crossing - yes, wherever it works
Sep bike and peds - yes in S section
Mid-block ped crossings - yes in S section
Parking - I am open to the low impact parking and the park garage. We will need parking, so whatever is economically feasible, we should consider.

As much as I like the rodeo, I would guess that the average Redding citizen may go to the rodeo once every 3-5 years, maybe less than that. The rodeo is 1 week out of the entire year, and only a dozen or so events are held there the rest of the year. IT is a poorly utilized space and the infratructure is very old. I question the viability of the current economic model to upgrade the facility. The same can be said for the Civic. So we seriously need to look at public-private partnerships to create a single, multi-use facility (that may have a restaurant, and a little bit of retail to make it pencil) for a multitude of activities. A new facility may also be a way to get grants, as grants are not typically available to do focused rehabs on existing facilities.

My main point is that I want us to keep options open because great ideas that don't work economically are non-starters.
June 16th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront
No housing should be added to the river front. Focus on revitalizing what you have there. Keep the rodeo grounds but make it for multi use. Dirt bike events, concerts, events etc. Plant trees and grass where they camp the trailers and animals making it useful for the rest of the year while providing shade for the rodeo. Connect a clear dedicated path from the river trail to downtown that families feel safe on. Use Kurtis lake for wakeboard park and events. We are one of the wakeboarding capitals of the world. Why not have a place for our young people to practice? Put in clear bike paths, walking paths and lights down park marina. Just the improving what we have would go along way.
June 15th, 2024
Subject: The Civic, Turtle Bay, ….
Why is it that the city council is so determined to ‘update’ the area? What is wrong with the natural beauty of the area as is? Currently, Turtle Bay, the Civic, Rodeo Grounds, and boat/river access are great. We don’t need a TGI Friday’s, another Starbucks, & 2 more hotel chains on the riverfront. That property is ‘public’ property, held in trust for the people of Redding., and I for one want it kept as-is, serving the general populace and not wealthy corporations or private citizens, nor land developers.
June 14th, 2024
Subject: Riverfront plan
My comment on this important subject that I want to express above all others is that I favor keeping the rodeo at its present location and extending the lease to 99 years so that they can get financing to make the improvements we’d all like to see for a.large gathering outdoor event center that’s the pride of Reddingand suitable for multiple events every year instead of just two. Extend the lease.
June 14th, 2024
Subject: River beach access and exits
1. We desperately need a safe public swimming beach on the river. Current options are limited to boat launches. The old gravel bar areas would provide areas that slow down the water and could provide such a nice public swimming area. It’s too hot in Redding to not give locals the opportunity to use our river to cool down and would take pressure off Brandy Creek and Oak Bottom which both require we drive out of town for.
2. Plan for a driving EXIT from the Turtle Bay, Sundial Bridge area! Traffic during events is a nightmare and puts high demand on police to provide extra services. Plus it’s irresponsible and a fire hazard to not have another way to leave that area. Having only one way in and out of that “island” has gone on for way too long. I don’t care where you put it, but there has to be a solution!!
June 13th, 2024
Subject: Redding Riverfront
I’ve lived in Redding near Turtlebay since 1994. I really get upset when I keep seeing the push to build a community in the Turtlebay, rodeo grounds area. The Sundial Bridge was an amazing upgrade but changing what is there would be wrong. Don’t let the rich buy off what is our community and our nature retreat. There was a young man on action news now that mentioned all the empty buildings in Redding and to do something with them, he’s spot on. My husband and I can’t get to the workshops but hopefully this message counts. Please leave the Riverfront alone.
June 13th, 2024
Subject: Rural Values
I really hope we will see wording that reflects a committment to honor values of water, air, trees and wildlife and birds for future
generations. Not just dollar driven plans for business.
Page 1 of 4, showing 1 to 25 of 87 comments.
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