Public Comments

We want to hear your ideas and comments regarding the future of the Riverfront area. Listed below are public comments that have been submitted through the website. To submit your public comment visit Share Your Ideas. Public comments are reviewed for appropriate language and will be uploaded to this page on an ongoing basis.

Comments received as scanned letters can be viewed here.

November 15th, 2023
Subject: Public Comment on Riverfront Plan (submitted via email 10/11/2023)
As a Redding resident for 44 years, I care deeply about the future development of the riverfront area. I attended the introductory project meeting in August at the civic auditorium and the Oct. 9 meeting at City Hall Council Chambers.

I think the highest priority in considering the future of the riverfront area is preserving the natural environment so the trees, vegetation, and animals on land and in the river can thrive. The big mistake would be to over-develop the area and negatively impact the natural environment: it would destroy what makes the riverfront so enjoyable.

To achieve the continuing health of the natural environment, I think environmental preservation should be the first goal of the Riverfront Plan. Proposed development projects can then be weighed as to their effect on what the plants and animals need to thrive. However, often planning is done with the proposed development as first priority and ""mitigations"" are identified as a sub-category. The problem: ""mitigation"" means to make something less bad; but it's still not good for the plants/animals, just not as bad. The priority should be a thriving natural environment as a primary goal. If we lose the health of the environment, we lose everything!

With this goal in mind, I think the Turtle Bay area should get NO expanded commercial development. Enhancing the visitor experience can come with additional or enhanced interpretive features that will help people appreciate and support the natural environment and the history and cultural values of the Indigenous peoples who lived there.

Commercial development is more appropriate for the Park Marina Drive area where the closed commercial developments are located. Again, the natural environment should be protected all along the riverfront.

November 15th, 2023
Subject: Concerns for Bald Eagles & Wildlife at Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary (submitted via email 10/10/23)
Good evening,
I am the Director of a Community Non Profit Group called Friends of the Redding Eagles.

I have been walking & riding the TB Bird Sanctuary trails since 1993. I met my husband walking those trails & we raised our son on those trails, too. So I am very familiar with that area & with much of the wildlife who inhabit that riparian area.

Our Community Group has some serious concerns about the upcoming development of this area & how these changes will impact the nesting Redding Bald Eagles, Ospreys, Great Horned Owls, Red-tailed Hawks. I know the locations of all of these nests because I have been monitoring the raptors in the area for many years.

Our Friends of the Redding Eagles Community Group does monthly Tours open to the public on the TB Bird Sanctuary Trail & along the Dana to Downtown Trail. Our FORE Group also works closely with the City of Redding to keep these areas safe & clean for the wildlife in the area. We report transient camps & pick up trash daily along the Dana to Downtown Trail which we adopted with United Shasta in 2019.

Our group would like to request that before any work is done that you complete a comprehensive survey of all of the Wildlife Species in the TB Bird Sanctuary area. This way you will know exactly which species are inhabiting the area & the population of each of those species. That will allow you to monitor any & all impacts the construction & development in the area might be having on the wildlife. Then you can make adjustments accordingly.

We do support your efforts to make much needed improvements to the area, but we want to make sure the impact to wildlife is as minimal as possible.

We are hopeful that the improvements will deter & displace the transients who have taken up residence in the Rodeo Grounds & Turtle Bay Area. We have witnessed severe impact to the wildlife & their habitat ever since 2010 when the Dana to Downtown Trail was opened.

I would be glad to consult with you & share any information you need about the Bald Eagles & other wildlife in the TB Bird Sanctuary.

Thank you for your time & attention to this matter.
November 15th, 2023
Subject: Preserving the natural area top priority (submitted via email 10/9/2023)
There is always talk of making money bu encouraging development. I'm sure there have been
developers in NYC who had their eyes on Central Park.but the value of surrounding properties depends on there being a central park. The River Front ampitheatre is so small and the trail deadends at the foot of the cemetery. For elders taking a lovely stroll in the skade it would
be wonderful to have a gradual, switch back trail that went up to and thrhas ough the cemetery.

Multipurpose is not the goal for these special riverfront park areas. Separate into zones and totally preserve the riparian areas. Park View Marina could afford more river access for families. Perhaps this zone is one that can stand redevelopment.
The Auditorium is a failed enterprise. Figure out how to get rid of it and let it go back to park.
November 15th, 2023
Subject: Turtle Bay River Front plans (submitted via email 10/9/2023)
Dear Committee Members,

Without going into great detail, as a resident of Redding I am opposed to any development in the Bird Sanctuary area of Turtle Bay. Isn't Turtle Bay supposed to be an educational/environmental oasis in the middle of our beautiful city. Developing the riverfront for commercial purposes seems to be a land grab by somebody seeking financial gain. Does it always have to be about money? Joni Michell said it best, "" don't know what you've got till it's gone""
Do not develop this riverfront sanctuary.

November 15th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront development (submitted via email 10/8/2023)

Instead of developing more paved pathways and buildings, why not create a beautiful natural corridor that echos a riparian corridor?

Instead of building expensive and exclusive buildings only wealthy people can access, why not maintain a natural heritage that is irreplaceable?

There are way too many empty retail buildings, and the expensive downtown development is a heat island that was never meant to attract the humble folk of this area.

Residents in this area walk the river trail by the Sundial bridge because it is a natural treasure.

It is the living river, the fish and birds, the large oaks, the mountain views that need to be enshrined and preserved.

Thank you,
November 15th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Specific Plan (submitted via email 10/8/2023)

I have been watching birds in the Turtle Bay Bird Sanctuary for the past 32 years. I am very concerned that the riverfront may be forever damaged by developers who would like to place noisy, invasive, ""attractions"" (restaurants, ziplines, amphitheaters for entertainment, etc.) in the area that would ruin the peace and natural beauty of the site. It is currently a lovely place for any citizen to use free of charge to relax and rejuvenate. It would be a terrible shame to have that destroyed along with the habitat for the nearly 200 different species that have been recorded there on eBird.

As a member of the Wintu Audubon Society, I support the following issues that the conservation group has proposed to being key to preserving the values fo the riparian resources and bird and wildlife diversity present on the Redding Riverfront:

1. Establish adequately sized and protected no-disturbance buffers for all bird and wildlife habitat areas (including riparian zones and including areas for which riparian values can be restored). Establish buffer zone sizes based on best available science tailored to the location, not guesswork.
2. Support the restoration of degraded riparian areas such as the area between the Sundial Bridge and the Rodeo Grounds, and the gravel pits and inundated borrow areas at Cypress Square.
3. Complete a comprehensive inventory of all bird and wildlife habitats and the species they support. (This has never been done, in spite of a series of City development decisions which should have required it, including the Museum, the Bridge, the Hotel and planned improvements to the boat launch area at the Rodeo Grounds. Additionally, the Plan Consultant does not have an adequate budget item for this recommended task.)
4. Limit public access improvements and require only low impact trails near riparian areas (paved trails require wider footprint of vegetation removal and cause greater pollutant runoff).
5. Limit invasive lighting and increased noise after dusk.

Thank you for your serious consideration,
November 15th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront plan (submitted via email 10/8/2023)
"I strongly support the following guidelines requested by the Wintu Audubon Society. We need very careful development along the river corridor. Thank you. Judy Salter
1. Establish adequately sized and protected no-disturbance buffers for all bird and wildlife habitat areas (including riparian zones and including areas for which riparian values can be restored). Establish buffer zone sizes based on best available science tailored to the location, not guesswork.
2. Support the restoration of degraded riparian areas such as the area between the Sundial Bridge and the Rodeo Grounds, and the gravel pits and inundated borrow areas at Cypress Square.
3. Complete a comprehensive inventory of all bird and wildlife habitats and the species they support. (This has never been done, in spite of a series of City development decisions which should have required it, including the Museum, the Bridge, the Hotel and planned improvements to the boat launch area at the Rodeo Grounds. Additionally, the Plan Consultant does not have an adequate budget item for this recommended task.)
4. Limit public access improvements and require only low impact trails near riparian areas (paved trails require wider footprint of vegetation removal and cause greater pollutant runoff).
5. Limit invasive lighting and increased noise after dusk.
These are the primary issues Wintu Audubon has raised in the past. PLEASE let the City, the Coalition, and the Consultant know your values, concerns, and preferences by filing an email or in-person comment."
November 13th, 2023
Subject: Rodeo Grounds
Please save our Rodeo Grounds and the wildlife of the river there
November 13th, 2023
Subject: Redding Rodeo Grounds
I have been personally involved with the Redding Rodeo for more than thirty years. My husband has been a member for 30 years, I have carried sponsor flags in parades and the Rodeo numerous times. My husband and I currently serve meals to the cowboys, stock contractors, security and other personnel during the rodeo. We are always proud to get feedback from the participants about how beautiful Redding is. The cowboys mention how they went fishing, golfing or skiing on our beautiful lakes while they are in town. They mention how their families enjoy the peaceful community, walking trails, museums.
We typically attend the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and as we meet the professional cowboys, we mention that we are members of the rodeo association and their faces light up! "We love Redding Rodeo. You treat us so well", are typical responses. The Redding Rodeo has such a positive impact on many people from around the country.
Please continue supporting our rodeo by the river. And financially support improving our grounds for all to enjoy.
November 9th, 2023
Subject: Rodeo grounds lease
I’ve been a member with this rodeo association since 1973 and so many good changes have been made since way back when. John Balma had made an agreement with the City of Redding for a 99 year lease in 1948. Office fire had destroyed all the important papers pertaining to this matter. Seems this lease should be honored till the year 2047 as agreed. Redding Rodeo has improved the grounds every year and brings in a lot of revenue to the City of Redding. Many people enjoy a good rodeo and even it’s a first time experience. I would be see the rodeo remain where it is for the integrity of the Balma family and John Balma’s vision. John had done so much for Redding.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Redding Rodeo Grounds
As a life long citizen and local businesses owner, I would state that we need the rodeo grounds and the amazing Asphalt Cowboys that are associated with it. Both the grounds and the Cowboys do so much for our community other then just a annual rodeo. Not only do they support their youth group they support their community as a whole. They were vital during the Carr and Camp fires as an evacuation zone and for finding supplies and food for the displaced animals.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Long term lease for the Redding rodeo to stay where they are
I am a 1980 Redding Rodeo Queen. I have attended the Redding Rodeo for at least 50 years. I am also a life member of the Redding Women’s Rodeo Association. The Redding Rodeo is one of the oldest Events that continues to grow and bring more money to Redding every year. It is essential that the rodeo grounds stay in its current location and attain a long term lease so they are able to make the necessary improvements to continue its successful operations.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Rodeo grounds.
Please leave the rodeo grounds alone. They are an historic location that serves to bring together people from all walks of life in Redding and Shasta county .
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Redding Rodeo
I am writing in support of maintaining the Redding Rodeo grounds in its current location. The Redding Rodeo Association is a pillar of this community and always has been since it’s inception. My grandfather was a charter member of the Shasta County Sheriff Posse, now the Redding Rodeo Association. Any plans for the Riverfront Development must incorporate and prioritize the historic significance and economic benefit of protecting and preserving the current location of the Redding Rodeo Grounds.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Save the Rodeo Grounds
How much revenue does this rodeo bring to the City of Redding and the local businesses? Please don't take this land for commercial development. What a shame that every inch of spare ground has to be commercially developed. What will be left for future generations? It's all about money! What a shame.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Rodeo grounds
The rodeo grounds, formally known as the posse grounds has been in the current location for longer that the people that are trying to take it have been alive..they don't know or understand or care about the history of it..leave it alone, sign the 25 year lease and move on to something else, .like the homeless and crime problems.
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Revitalization
Just a quick comment to say I’m all for the riverfront revitalization BUT I also support our wonderful Redding Rodeo staying right where it is. If it ever comes down to having to choose between the two, the Rodeo in its current location is going to get my vote. Thank you for listening to your residents!
November 8th, 2023
a river walk, ala San Antonio?
November 8th, 2023
Subject: Redding Rodeo Grounds
Please keep the rodeo grounds where it is and provide a long term lease.
November 6th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Development
I fully support developing the Redding riverfront area into a multi-use area with retail, dining, parks, trails and performing arts center/sports venue. I think it is time to move the rodeo grounds as this beautiful riverfront area is not being showcased by the rodeo grounds. The riverfront is a gem and should be developed for our residents and tourists to enjoy.
October 24th, 2023
Subject: Riverfront Plan
I would be happy if the City just repainted the worn out street striping on Riverside before someone gets in a wreck and sues the City. The new restrooms at Bonneyview and Caldwell boat launches are an example of why it is a waste of time and money to build anything nice unless you deal with the homeless bums first. Sulfur Creek hill area looks a lot better after the City cleaned it up, but the bums are moving back in. My information is that most of the displaced persons just moved further upstream where there is more cover, shade and water.
October 24th, 2023
Subject: River usage
Improve Nor Pon boat access to include gravel raft/drift boat launch, allowing for easy public access for short fish/float trips (after work and short mornings) not having to commit to longer
Developing a fantasy fountain type of park at the sundial Bridge to attract young ones and families to that area on those hot summer days/evenings we have in Redding. Thank for the efforts being put into this project.
October 23rd, 2023
Subject: Redding Riverfront specific plan regarding ownership
Hello this is my third comment about the Redding Riverfront specific plan. I’ve already provided a comment about an extension of the Sacramento River Trail and a comment about housing along the river front.

My third comment is about ownership and maintenance.

By no means should the city of Redding give up any waterfront that they own. Any relinquishment of city of Redding owned property along the riverfront should entail a perpetual recreation, conservation or the like easement along the river front for a wide buffer to benefit the Redding community.

The riverfront between State Route 44 and Cypress, between Park Marina Drive on the west side and east to the Sacramento River needs to be maintained. Whomever the land owners or lease holders are, if they have no intention of beautifying the area and making that portion of the river a part of the Redding community, they should be required to keep it clean and well maintained. This maintenance is two-fold. Adjacent to the water, blackberry bushes and shrubbery collect debris floating by in the river or caught in the wind along the river (lots of micro plastics). The Himalayan blackberry, star thistle, pampas grass, etc. needs to be systematically cut back over time and burned to allow native species in. To the east of Park Marina Drive, some of the buildings and asphalt parking lots look to be in constant states of disrepair with boards covering broken windows, burned buildings, large for rent/lease signs, and big dirt/gravel/star thistle hellscapes. Just writing this makes me think that a good term for some portions is “abandoned.” Put simply, if land owners/lease holders are going to do nothing to improve this area for the community, it at least needs to be required to follow codes and good neighbor habits. Fingers crossed

Thank you again for this opportunity to provide comments..
October 23rd, 2023
Subject: Redding Riverfront Specific Plan: Housing
Good morning. I have already submitted one comment regarding a river trail connection along the riverfront specific plan area. This is my second comment that I would like to submit regarding the Redding Riverfront specific plan.

I would like to encourage more housing along the riverfront.

First, the more eyes that we have on an area the better behaved people will be. Along with an extension of the Sacramento River Trail in the specific plan area, more people living in this area means there are more eyes on the area. More usage and more nearby residents will decrease the dumping, littering, graffiti , personal hygiene plastic, bowel movements, toilet paper, stoves, mattresses, living supplies, etc. that mar the gem of the natural environment of the Sacramento River.

The city of Redding, like many other places across California has a significant housing issue. We are not able to house the people that live here. The housing should not be for short term rentals. We need people living in the area so that they will appreciate the area and take care of the area.

We do not need more office space. I believe that a recent review showed that Redding or Shasta County has a significant amount of empty office space. No more office space is needed. Typical office hours are from 8 to 5. We need housing in this area so when people come home from work after five until they leave in the morning there is a homey presence and pride of place.

The housing that I am talking about is not large, not something that would take away from the natural beauty. Think duplex’s or quads with really small yards that focus on the backporch, i.e., the river flowing serenely by with ducks, geese, heron, jumping fish, and angler viewing for entertainment. Ever housing unit built helps our community. My recommendation does not mean 75 units need to be built. Ten would make a difference to that area.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
October 23rd, 2023
Subject: Develop the Riverfront
I am all for the strategic development of our riverfront areas. It is a tragedy that the most desirable area of our city for tourism and residents is overrun with burned-out buildings, homelessness, boarded-up hotels, and old/dilapidated rodeo grounds. I fully support the Redding Rodeo however, I would like for them to move elsewhere in Redding and make the area where the Rodeo grounds now stand into something better. I get that the rodeo has a long history in Redding however, it doesn't mean that history requires it to stay in the location where it is now. It's crazy that such a premium location is used once or twice a year, run-down, and dumpy. Let's figure out how to move the rodeo to a better, more helpful location in Redding and do something amazing with the current riverfront area. I love the idea of a river walk with shops, restaurants/breweries. Let's make this area something to be proud of! Thank you.
Page 3 of 4, showing 51 to 75 of 87 comments.
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