Meetings and Feedback

The City of Redding is committed to an inclusive engagement process that will ensure the Riverfront Specific Plan project is based on genuine feedback from the entire community. This includes engagement activities with civic and city leaders, the indigenous community, property and business owners, current tenants and lease holders, topical interest organizations (e.g., mobility advocates, environmental groups), tourism and economic development groups, and residents. The following is a summary of key community engagement workshops, meetings, events, and activities. 

Please visit the Events Calendar for information on upcoming meetings and engagement opportunities. 

Please see the Community Coalition page for information related to those meetings. 

Community Discussions: Opportunities and Alternatives

The Project Team hosted two interactive Community Workshops, one on June 13, 2024 and a second on June 15, 2024, that provided community members an opportunity to learn about the Vision and Guiding Principles Framework and major findings from the existing conditions analysis; and discuss and share ideas on emerging opportunities and alternatives for the Northern and Southern Riverfront areas. The following is the presentation and videos from both workshops. 

June 13, 2024 Workshop Video

June 15, 2024 Workshop Video

Workshops Summary 

The following is a summary of community ideas, concerns, and comments captured during those meetings. 

  • Community Discussions: Opportunities and Alternatives Summary (coming soon)

Tribal Community Listening Session

The Project Team and Tribal Community members hosted a public Tribal Community Listening Session on January 11, 2024, to solicit tribal input and vision on the future of the Redding Riverfront. The event provided a forum to hear input on core Wintu values and guiding standards to help inform the Redding Riverfront Specific Plan. This in-person and interactive event provided the Wintu and larger tribal community members the opportunity to: share traditional Wintu/tribal worldview and historical perspective of the Redding Riverfront; give Wintu/tribal input on cultural resources and sensitivity of the Redding Riverfront; review the City’s planning process and identify ways to stay involved; meet with the Project Team in a more culturally appropriate and comfortable space; and be heard. The following is a summary of participant ideas, concerns, and comments captured during that meeting. 

Community Open Houses

The Project Team hosted two Community Open Houses on August 14, 2023, that provided an opportunity for the community to present and discuss ideas on the future of the Riverfront Area. Over 200 people attended the open houses (combined). The following is a summary of community ideas, concerns, and comments captured during those meetings. 

Community Involvement Strategy

The Project Team developed a Community Involvement Strategy (CIS) in July 2023 that outlines key outreach approaches and methods, target audiences, communication tools, and the proposed timeline for implementation. The document is a high-level summary of community involvement activities that will inform and guide the development of the specific plan. These activities will ensure that all members of the Redding community are actively engaged throughout the project, and that community ideas, perspectives, and needs directly inform all phases of this important project. The Redding City Council reviewed and provided guidance on this strategy.